Pretend Podcast Episode 1802 Evidence

In this episode, we hear troubling allegations against LaDonna Humphrey surrounding the Melissa Witt Case. Crime victim advocate Patti Rush shares her story, claiming that Humphrey, once seen as an ally, was actually behind years of harassment and deceit. From stolen evidence to questionable motives, we peel back the layers on a complicated figure.

Patti Rush knew Melissa Witt personally, and wanted to help LaDonna Humphrey advocate for Melissa Witt. As Humphrey and Rush’s friendship and working relationship deepened, LaDonna shared sensitive case information, documents, and photographs with Patti Rush.

In the following screenshot, LaDonna sends the medical examiner’s report and a still shot of Melissa Witt’s body to Patti Rush via Facebook Messenger. These are pieces of evidence she had access to, that she should not have been sharing with others.

Patti Rush also began to receive strange text messages.

Some of Patti Rush’s messages resemble the messages that Alecia Lockhart received. Both of them have sing song rhymes, mention muffins, and reference lude sexual topics.

Patti Rush was friends with LaDonna Humphrey when LaDonna Humphrey worked for Anthony Christopher at Absolute Pediatric Therapy. At the time, Anthony Christopher and Patti Rush had never heard of one another, but they were having similar conversations with LaDonna Humphrey, centered around images and videos of the same man!

In a text between LaDonna Humphrey and Anthony Christopher, LaDonna shares a video link of the man and claims he is someone she was engaged to.

A mont earlier, Patti Rush lets LaDonna Humphrey know that a new phone number is texting her and LaDonna sends a text message to the number, to receive photographs of THE SAME MAN! She acts as if she has no idea who the man is when speaking to Patti. Here is the message thread with Patti:


Pretend Podcast Episode 1803 Evidence


Pretend Podcast Episode 1801 Evidence