Pretend Podcast Episode 1803 Evidence

In episode 3, we explore the intense battle between Anthony Christopher and LaDonna Humphrey. Anthony, LaDonna’s former boss, shares his story of harassment, alleging LaDonna’s relentless efforts to destroy not only his career, but his whole life. From sending spoof emails to unauthorized background checks, LaDonna’s Actions led to a legal showdown that landed her in jail for destroying evidence and contempt of court. Anthony was awarded a multimillion dollar judgement.

Below you can see the court documents that give details as to what exactly LaDonna Humphrey did to tarnish Anthony Christopher’s business and referrals.

In the page above, you can see the rationale behind LaDonna’s 10 day jail sentence. In Addition to the 3.5 Million dollar award, Anthony Christopher was also granted a permanent restraining order against LaDonna Humphrey that extends to his employees, family, attorneys, and their families.

LaDonna has maintained that her phone was stolen the day it was to be turned in for examination/evidence collecting. Her cell phone records tell a very different story though, as LaDonna Humphrey was somehow able to take the old SIM card from her “stolen” phone and insert it into her new phone, multiple times after leaving the phone store to purchase a new phone that came with a new SIM card. If the phone had been stolen, how would LaDonna have the old SIM card?

In the following image, we see that LaDonna has purchased a new phone on 11/09/2018

Below, you will see LaDonna’s phone records. On 11/9/2018 between 2:34 and 3pm, LaDonna removes old SIM card 5443 and starts using new SIM card 1974, but she switches back and forth once during this time frame. These actions are highlighted in orange. If her phone were stolen, she would have switched over to number 1974 and remained with that SIM card moving forward, but as you can see in the next 2 pages, old SIM card 5443 makes an appearance in the new phone MULTIPLE times, 4 more times on 11/9 and 11/10. It is clear to see that she had the old SIM card.


Pretend Podcast Episode 1804 Evidence


Pretend Podcast Episode 1802 Evidence