Pretend Podcast Episode 1804 Evidence

Old Flames Reignited: The Mysterious Return of LaDonna Humphrey in Allen Arson Investigation

LaDonna Humphrey, with a history marked by harassment allegations, emerges from the shadows 13 years later to entangle herself in the arson investigation of her former boss and preacher, Jon Allen. As the flames of the past reignite, investigators uncover a convoluted story of manipulation, embezzlement, and vindictiveness. Why has LaDonna returned after all these years to discredit the Allens and what does this mean for the longstanding accusations against her? The episode revisits one of her earliest cases of alleged deceit and retribution.

LaDonna started working for the Allen’s in 1993, why would she be in contact with the police in 2015 re: the arson investigation?

The photo below shows the Allen home in flames in June of 2015.

Here is the incident report from the fire:

On June 10th, 2024 Pretend Podcast did an early release of this episode to Patreon subscribers.

On June 20th, 2024 Today in Fort Smith released an article that covers the topic of the 2015 fire. The article mentions that the story was covered already once in 2021 by them. Why is Today in Fort Smith covering an arson that is many years past? It seems that the news outlet only serves the purpose of carrying out LaDonna Humphrey’s personal vendettas. This is an example of how LaDonna Humphrey hides behind her keyboard and allows her flying monkeys to re-traumatize her victims.


Pretend Podcast Episode 1805 Evidence


Pretend Podcast Episode 1803 Evidence